About us

In the ’60's Italy enjoyed an economical boom and the parents of the current directors of the company had their first intuition regarding the real estate market for holiday homes. They made their first investments in the mountain regions at the same time that skiing holidays became fashionable in Italy.
In the ’70's, as pioneers of tourist development in Sardinia, getting away from the Costa Smeralda, we found ourselves spending our school holidays in Gallura, helping our parents cope with the dawn of mass tourism to the island.
In the early '80's our first real responsibilities saw us battling with electricity generators and water tankers to guarantee electricity and water supplies to our guests, in those days the problems were endless.
When we started out, we were very young, we had to overcome the difficulties which the growing local tourist industry inevitably had. With time and the growth of the company we have concentrated on everything which had to be done to render it possible for tourists to enjoy the marvellous wildlife and colours with which nature has bestowed on this magnificent island.
Way back in the 1980s, we were the first company to provide ferry tickets, having realised that, by resolving travel problems, we would have a competitive edge over local competition.
We now have two people who work full time to assign our vacancies to our regular customers, who for some years now have accounted for 90% of our business.
We were also the first to organise the rental of linen to guests, initially equipping a small laundry which grew, together with the needs of our customers, to become what it is today a laundry that employs two persons full time exclusively for the internal needs of the company.
Having arrived at a total of more than 100 apartments, we realised that in order to expand further, it was necessary to eliminate external intervention of any type. To work at its best, the company needed to rely exclusively on internal resources for all those services that are indispensable to guarantee assistance to the ever increasing number of guests. Accordingly we equipped and trained personnel so that they would be in a position to act promptly in any type of situation.
We have learnt a lot, almost everything, and brought to a new market, sure and proud of the fact that many have copied us, above all in the most important areas.
We have given ourselves a single objective: to bring together the professionalism and commitment inherited from our parents with the development of modern technology. In a word, to unite tradition and progress, the warm and loving direction of parents with the cold precision of the modern equipment available to us children.
Today, the company is run by a group of young real estate experts who are helped by a qualified team of staff. We can surely be counted amongst the most modern and technologically advanced tourist companies that are active on the market, in Sardinia, and that are able to supply directly all the essential services necessary to guarantee quality holidays to a vast and varying public.