Holiday Homes Pinzolo Trentino South Tyrol Summer

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from€ 450.00



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800 262312

  Ristorante Bar Centro
400/500 mt
Impianti da sci
1000/1300 mt
Pinzolo is a typical mountain village and lively toursit center in the Val Rendena, in the heart of the over 600 million square meters of the Natural Park Adamello Brenta, in a natural oasi, where you may find eagels and chamois, groundhog and bears.

In winter you are guaranteed snow during all the season, and the fast and modern ski lifts of the ski area which arrives upto 2100 mt of the Doss del Sabion, allow you to practice your skiing, snowboard, the telemark, excursion skiing, alpine skiing and any othe type of walks and adventures.

During the summer, you only have the embarrasment of choice from the classical calm walks on the Dolomiti di Brenta, on Adamello or on Presanella, sport fishing, golf, tennis, horse riding or sky diving and free-climbing.

Pinzolo offers tranquility and adventure, fun and sports and the warmth of the locals.

For who wants a holiday dedicated to fun and relax. Animals allowed

approximatley 500 mt from the center of the village
approximately 1000/1300 mt from the ski lift
How to reach us:
By car:

From Milano:
exit Brescia est (Valle Sabbia - M. di Campiglio - Salò) - Tormini - Sabbio Chiese - Vestone - Lago d'Idro - Ponte Caffaro - Tione - Pinzolo.
From Verona
Motorway A22 of Brennero - exit Trento center - Sarche - Terme di Comano - Tione - Pinzolo.