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News - Hotel Club Esse Cala Bitta - Baia Sardinia
Children aged 0/4
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Circular pursuant to Law ex art. 13 Legislative Decree (D. Lgs.)
In conformity to the provisions set out ex art. 13 Legislative Decree (D.Lgs.) 196/2003 on privacy, Mare In S.r.l., with registered office in Via Olmetto, 17 Milano, Italy, informs you that:
1. The personal data you provide us with when you fill in the questionnaire will be recorded on protected electronic supports and processed in a strictly confidential fashion by MareIn S.r.l. for business purposes, connected or instrumental to the business of the company itself and in order to bring information, advertising or promotional material to your attention.
2. According to law, you may consult, add to, amend or remove your data at any time and free of charge, or oppose its complete or partial use for the purposes set out in point 1, by writing to MareIn S.r.l. reg. Torre Penice, 46 17031 Albenga - Italy.

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800 262312