Residence Calasetta

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The residence in situated on the outskirts of Calasetta at about 50 mt from the sea, on the eastern tip of the Island of Sant'Antioco linked to the mainland by a characteristic isthmus.
Enveloped in the bay of Sottotorre among Junipers and Mirtle bushes which make up the Mediterranean brushwood and the velvety fine sand of the homonymous beach, this residence is the ideal solution for those who want a quiet and relaxing holiday.

Three bays, open up like an amphitheatre on the southern side of the island offering enchanting beaches where, even in the middle of August, one can find exclusive and solitary corners.
Continuing along the coast the panorama changes. Ripid basaltic cliffs give rise to areas of rare beauty: natural swimming pools, arches and caverns of great natural interest, while the interior of the island is rich in antique history and civilisation, from the Nuraghe to the Christian catacombes, and the Phoenician "Tòphets". All this framed by one of the most limpid seas in the Mediterranean.

Even today the descendents of the Ligurian comunity profess their age-old heritage in the dialect they speak.

The residence: has 130 beds, and is equipped with all facilities: bar, restaurant, reception hall, TV room, laundry and baby club, there are different sized apartments: one,two and three roomed, with one or two bedrooms, all equipped with cooking area and private bathroom, balcony or garden.

Sea 50 Mt c.a.
Cagliari Km 95