Cala Spinosa-Capo Testa-Santa Teresa Gallura

Beaches Capo Testa-Cala Spinosa-Santa Teresa Gallura-Sardinia

Cala Spinosa1 0 Cala Spinosa is a small and charming Beach located on the promontory of Capo Testa in Santa Teresa Gallura, along the north eastern coast of Sardinia

Hidden inside a deep Cove is protected by high granite cliffs that plunge to the sea and millennial action Sander of the wind and the sea has shaped in original figures, offering, in the eyes of the visitor who contemplates for the first time, and not, breathtaking scenery An unspoilt corner enjoying the fascinating panorama of majestic white cliffs of Corsica and the town of Bonifacio

The beach is characterized by sand is not too fine a clear and delicate golden color interspersed with granite rocks that outcrop sometimes from under the sand Is mirrored on the transparent waters of an amazing Emerald and turquoise (depending on the reflection of the Sun), almost always calm The seabed, rich in a varied flora and fauna, have picturesque scenery thanks to the presence of boulders that plunge below sea level This makes it one of the favorite destinations for lovers of diving and snorkeling

No easy access makes it uncrowded, although over time are more and more connoisseurs of this nature 2 directions: 12 from the village of Santa Teresa Gallura follow the directions for Capo Testa and continue until the end of the road near the lighthouse Park your car and get off, very carefully, down a steep descent on the right

2 services: 13 on the beach there is no service

2 trivia: 12 Despite many controversies, on the cliff above the beach, you have opened a lounge bar, definitely appreciated by many tourists, but who stole some of that wild and lonely charm that has always characterized this beach

14 do you want to come on holiday to Sardinia and visit this beach??
For a free quote or just 15 information click here!! 16How to get there:
From the village of Santa Teresa Gallura follow the directions for Capo Testa and continue until the end of the road near the lighthouse. Park your car and get off, very carefully, down a steep descent on the right

on the beach there is no service.

Despite many controversies, on the cliff above the beach, you have opened a lounge bar, definitely appreciated by many tourists, but who stole some of that wild and lonely charm that has always characterized this beach.

Do you want to come on holiday to Sardinia and visit this beach??
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In brief

Cala Spinosa is a beautiful beach, wild and lonely, which is located in Capo Testa in Santa Teresa Gallura

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